Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Are you in denial?

There are usually only two types of males in relationships: those in denial and those in crisis. Those in denial read a few pages of this book, then cast it aside. Those in crisis grab it and devour it the way a man dying of thirst gulps water. Both type of male readers need the insights, but only those in crisis feel the need.
“Nothing so wonderfully concentrates the mind as the prospect of a hanging,”said Samuel Johnson.
Many men are in gridlock (marital trench warfare that could flare into a crisis at any minute) but they are in denial. That their wife would up and leave them is such a threat to their manhood they won’t even consider it a possibility. These men are usually the ones who are blindsided when she walks out or invites them to leave.
Everywhere I look I see men in pain. Men who feel torn between their love of a woman and their self respect. Men who feel like they are being stretched on the rack or hung on a cross. Men who are in danger of losing their wives and their kids, of losing everything they have worked for, everything that makes life meaningful…
This book is for men in crisis, who need first aid for their marriage. It is also for men in denial, who could use some preventative medicine to avoid future problems. But it is not just for men… It is for anyone who wants to secure their love relationships.


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