Monday, March 20, 2006

First aid for sick marriages

Surrender is emergency treatment for a marriage sliding into the divorce courts. If you do nothing else in the short term but Surrender, you should have bought the time you need to salvage the situation. In most cases. If you can get her to stop seeing the lawyer, stop kicking you out of the family home, stop walking out the door herself, you have stopped the bleeding. Now you need to work on a cure, and fast.

Surrender is so unexpected and powerful, it usually stops women in their tracks. They can’t handle it. They’ve never seen it before… especially in you. The uncharacteristic behaviour that follows catches them by surprise and puts a question into their minds. “Maybe he’s genuine. Maybe he’s flipped his lid. He might have changed. Let’s see…”

And you’re back on the front foot. You’re controlling the agenda. You’re controlling the timing. You are centre stage. Now it’s time for the performance of your life. Now it’s time for the wooing to start again, big time.


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