Friday, January 27, 2006

The Pope agrees with me: Love is everything

Pope Benedict XVI's first 'encyclical' was released yesterday and guess what? he's been reading my emails, or he's seen a copy of Man Overboard. Because he's stolen my material. This encyclical - or 'binding memo' - is shattering assumptions and illusions about this fuddy-duddy churchman and his archaic Church because it is all about Love. Titled "Deus Caritas Est", God is Love, the Pope says, essentially, Love is the power that holds the universe together, and that human love between man and woman should be based on the twin technologies propounded by Man Overboard: surrender and forgiveness. Not that I'm about to shoot off a copyright claim to the Vatican. Benedict deserves a break to prove he's not the cold-bloodled Vatican operative he used to be. I will provide you with slices of encylical which indicate the gobsmacking alignment between the Pope and me, a rare event. I always suspect old men who wear dresses and who are celebate telling other people how to express their sexuality.


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