Sunday, January 29, 2006

The Dark Night of the Soul

These lyrics were written when I was in the gloom of anguish over my relationship. with my wife, which was fairly constant there for a while. They reveal a path to freedom: self knowledge, self reliance, self love.

Dark Night of the Soul

Verse 1
There comes a time when everyman
must face himself alone
And confront the fact nothing’s ever certain
All the things you take for granted
can be taken in a moment
Half way thru your song
they bring down the curtain

Verse 2
We are born alone, we live alone,
and in the end we die alone
And spend our lives
running from this fact
You can meet and fall in love
with different people on the way
But you are you and I am me
and Darling that is that

Chorus 1
You can’t rely on lovers
You can’t speak for others
No one else can fill the gaping hole
That you feel you need to fill
And you pursue it with a will
Straight into the dark night of the soul

Verse 3
You can find a few distractions
You can fill your days with joy
But no one can escape the Lonesome Hero
He’s riding on your shoulder
Watching everything you do
And turning up everywhere that you go

Verse 4
What makes him so terrifying
What makes him so bad
Is that you can’t predict a thing that he’ll do
What’s even scarier
Is knowing deep inside
That the Lonesome Hero
Is really only you.

Chorus 2
You can run but you can’t hide
From the need to go inside
And meet the only person who will stay
Beside you all the while
And when you see them smile
The dark night of the soul becomes the day


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