Sunday, April 02, 2006

More "Total Love Attack" tactics

• A BOTTLE OF SOMETHING –I was given a bottle of Grange as a gift. I usually regift something like that to someone who will appreciate it more than me. But I don’t do that no more, buddy. I took the last one away us on a weekend jaunt, opened it secretly while she was serving hamburgers and produced it with a flourish to her squeals of delight mixed with protests about the cost (not too much of the protest, though). This was following up an earlier surprise of a bottle of French champagne I snaffled from somewhere (another gift). The result: delirium. A six over the Members’ Stand and out of the ground.

• TIME – Spend time with her simply talking about anything. Be available. Come out of your cave. I read to her from books of love poetry. (WHOA! I can hear you shout. You don’t have to do anything I do. But my friend, it does the trick.) I like spending time with my wife. Once a wife sees that, she will be more willing to let me have my time.


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